Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Cadence - Glam Bot and English Conference - May 9th, 2023

 Өглөөний мэнд ах эгч нараа! How are you all this week?

This week was full of ups and downs and we got a lot done! We also experienced some wonderful miracles. The biggest miracle was Nominjin's baptism, which went very smoothly without too many complications. I am so happy for her and the decision she made to be baptized! She is a sweetheart and she shared a beautiful testimony with everyone. So many people came to support her at the baptism! It was so suprising because usually at baptisms here, no body cares so the only people who come are missionaries and maybe their investigators. But so many people came to support Nominjin. It made my heart so happy! Her mom even came to support her even though she didn't want her to be baptized. We got to talk to her mom and share messages with her and I think her mom felt the Spirit when Nominjin bore her testimony. The only thing that went wrong was that someone stole some of the refreshments we brought for the baptism but I made lots of cookies so we were okay haha.

Also, I got to see the Spirit first hand guiding us in our work this week. We had a LOT of downtime, so we figured contacting random members to visit would be a good use of our time. So we prayed and then whichever names stood out to either of us on the list would be who we would contact first. One name stood out to me and it was someone my companion hadn't met last transfer either, so she hadn't been visited by missionaries in a while. So we called and set up an appointment. Fast forward to the visit - it turns out she's a really strong member and her kids are all youth who were just recently baptized. She felt ignored by the ward members so she and her family haven't come to church in a while. She had been forgotten, and the Spirit led us to her home to uplift and support her and show her that Heavenly Father cared for her and her kids. Hopefully, through more visits and support we can convince them to start coming to church again. Experiences like this really help me to understand the love Heavenly Father had for all of His children. No matter how unique our situation is, He will answer our prayers and lift our burdens. Moving forward, I want to work harder to be in tune with the Spirit when finding people because the Spirit can literally lead us straight to who needs the Light of Christ. Heavenly Father's love and plan for each of us is so perfect!

Our other investigators are doing well but many of them are so busy that they are only available on Saturdays and Sundays. It makes it a little hard because we have about 10 who are only able to meet on those days, and we physically can't meet with all of them every week. Please keep them in your prayers that they will have patience with us as we try to figure out how to meet with all of them. I know that Heavenly Father will provide a way in His timing. We must have patience and He will take care of it all.

English classes are going well still. We had a little hiccup yesterday because all of our technology wasn't working so I came up with a grammar lesson on the spot. It was hard to teach 30 people at such different levels though. Speaking of English, we also had a suprise visit from our good friends from the BYU ELC (English Language Center) who trained us on how to be English teachers in the MTC. Together, we had an English Teaching Conference where we had some review trainings on teaching. It was so helpful and it was fun to see our old friends again. Since only American missionaries were invited, everyone in the conference was american and speaking English and it felt like America again. It was so weird. Also, the ELC professors also taught a free English Teaching Conference for all English teachers in Mongolia. I sadly didn't get to go to the event but I heard there was a big turn out and our Church got a lot of good attention on the news and with schools who could potentially sponsor new missionaries to come. Also, the people who created the advertisements for the event used my picture as the "American English teacher" representative, so I was famous for about 1 day haha. Overall, we had a lot of English trainings and events this week which was cool.

Also I forgot to mention but last pday, our district went bowling together. I forgot how fun bowling is haha. Afterwards, we found this really fancy chinese resturant that was reservation only, but they let our group of 13 in anyways. They cleaned up this nice room for us and were so nice to us. Then we looked at the menu and realized everything was SO expensive. So we had to awkwardly leave the resturant without making eye contact with anyone because we are poor missionaries with no money haha. Its okay though because we found a nice cheap Döner resturant to eat at. Today, we are going hiking as a district which will be fun! There are lots of cool mountains to hike in this area of the city!

I wanted to end by sharing one scripture I came across this week. In 2 Nephi 31, it teaches:

7 Know ye not that he was holy? But notwithstanding he being holy, he showeth unto the children of men that, according to the flesh he humbleth himself before the Father, and witnesseth unto the Father that he would be obedient unto him in keeping his commandments. 

8 Wherefore, after he was baptized with water the Holy Ghost descended upon him in the form of a dove. 

9 And again, it showeth unto the children of men the straitness of the path, and the narrowness of the gate, by which they should enter, he having set the example before them. 

10 And he said unto the children of men: Follow thou me. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father?

I loves these verses because they perfectly exemplify the relationship between obedience and blessings. If we obey God, He will bless us. It is that simple. Heavenly Father gave us commandments to help us because through them, our lives our blessed. On of my good friends sent this message in one of her emails so I want to steal it. She said that not only are we blessed for our obedience, but we are blessed through our obedience. For example, when we keep the Word of Wisdom, our bodies are healthy because the Word of Wisdom protect us from harmful things such as drugs and alcohol. But we are blessed as we keep that commandment, not just after we keep it. All the commandments bless us as we keep them. The Holy Ghost is also a gift that Heavenly Father has given us to help us on our journey through life. Heavenly Father is constantly trying to help us in every way that He can so long as we are willing to turn to Him and listen to Him. I love you guys so much and hope you have a fanstastic week!

Sister Potter

P.S. We decided to make a glam bot video to celebrate the English conference.

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