Thursday, May 11, 2023

Easter 2023

Easter was a blast this year.  Canyon still wasn't back to school yet, but he was getting close.  Everything was moved out of our backyard (because the movers were coming soon) so we decided that doing an easter egg hunt in our backyard probably wasn't the most exciting place to do it.  So we ran down the trail behind our house to the little park a block away.  It was PERFECT for an egg hunt.  Trek & I hid all the eggs, then I grabbed my camera & he got his new drone so we could take lots of pictures & videos of the egg hunt.

This year's eggs had LOTS of candy, some American dollar bills, & some Euro in them.  There were also a large number of completely empty eggs to symbolize the "empty tomb" at Easter.  I offered an award to the person who found the most empty eggs.

The hunt was hilarious.  We had Bladen leaping over Canyon, Lorien climbing playground equipment, a slide, & all sorts of fun shenanigans.  The kids LOVED it.

Once we got back home, we opened the eggs to see who had the most eggs (Taya won & got a candy bar), 
who got the most empty eggs (Canyon won a giant gummy cherry),
& who found the most money.

After completely wearing ourselves out hunting for eggs, we decided to color some eggs.  It's a tradition to do the day before Easter & the kids love it.

Bladen's friend Landon came over to dye eggs with us & he had an amazing idea on how to dip only HALF an egg in the color using a spoon & the egg holder.  Brilliant.

Easter morning was exciting as always.  The kids couldn't wait to get downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny brought.  All the kids got some candy & some Easter clothing to wear to church.

And as always, they enjoyed finding some eggs the Easter Bunny hid for them.

The kids had a wonderful morning & were very happy.

After the craziness, we settled down & spent the rest of the day remembering our Savior Jesus Christ & what he did for us so many Easter's ago.  We watched "The Testaments" & had a yummy Easter dinner.  It was a wonderful Easter.

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