Thursday, May 11, 2023

Cadence - Mongolia's 30th Anniversary - April 28, 2023

 Сайн байцгаана уу!

How are you all doing this week? This week was full of many fun adventures. Firstly, we got to celebrate the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's 30th year Anniversary in Mongolia! It was so fun and such a special opportunity to be here for that celebration. To celebrate, all the missionaries and ward members cleaned a famous Mongolian landmark (where Mongolia was dedicated by an apostle) and then read the dedicatory prayer together. It was such a cool experience and I felt the Spirit very strongly. It was also so fun to work along side so many wonderful people as we cleaned the landmark. Everyone was smiling and happy and so excited to help. Our Mission President shared a wonderful spiritual message about the strength of the Church in Mongolia and the missionaries sang "I am a Child of God" and "The Spirit of God." It was truly a one of a kind experience.

This past week, we also did exchanges and I got to go back to Unur for a day! I also got to be comps with Sister Narangerel, who is technically my mission sister since we had the same trainer. She's so awesome and I can't wait to be her comp one day. I didn't realize how much I missed Unur until I was back. I got to see all of my old investigators (now members) and all my favorite ward members again. I really really love the people there. Overall, I learned a lot from the exchange and hope that one day I will get to go back to Unur.

Our investigators seem to be doing well. This week, we finally did a big plan and I found out we have about 20 investigators, which is a ton to take care of. 7 of them are progressing well which is awesome. We put one on date for baptism but sadly she is a minor and her parents don't approve of baptism yet so we are working on convincing them to let her get baptized. Please keep her family in your prayers. I feel a little overwhelmed with all the other investigators we have yet to contact but I have been learning to take things one step at a time. Heavenly Father has definitely been helping me out a lot and giving me strength.

English classes are going well here. I teach an intermediate class Mon., Wed., and Fri., and a kids class Wed. and Sat. The kids class is a little crazy but we play lots of games and watch lots of English videos to keep them entertained. My mom just sent me a package with Banana Grams and Spot It and those games have been soooo helpful for keeping the students entertained. The Elders sometimes help teach the classes too which is helpful. Overall, I really love the students here a lot because they seem more dedicated to learning English than any past area I've served in.

I'm still working on meeting people in the branch. Our branch is very tiny because so many people are inactive, so we've been making some good transfer goals that will hopefully change that problem. If you guys have any good ideas for ward activities, please send them my way. We want to start unifying the members through more regular activites. Speaking of activites, we had many youth come to mutual last week which was a blast. The youth group here is so big and so amazing! I love spending time with them. Many of them want to become missionaries so we've been trying to include them in our lessons more and I think it ads a whole new level of the Spirit to our lessons.

This week, overall, was full of learning experiences and many challenges but it has helped me turn to my Savior and depend on Him more. I am thankful that no matter how difficult things become, I can always rely on my Savior to support and help me endure. I have also learned this week about the importance of being a peacemaker. In the last General Conference, our Prophet taught us this key principle:

"Contention drives away the Spirit—every time. Contention reinforces the false notion that confrontation is the way to resolve differences; but it never is. Contention is a choice. Peacemaking is a choice. You have your agency to choose contention or reconciliation. I urge you to choose to be a peacemaker, now and always. Brothers and sisters, we can literally change the world—one person and one interaction at a time. How? By modeling how to manage honest differences of opinion with mutual respect and dignified dialogue."

I really loved this talk and this message specifically because, during this transfer, I have been pushed to be a peacemaker a lot. There are many difficulties about being a missionary and working with others because we are all different. But I know that contention is never the Lord's way. He would never want us to argue for the sake of being right. I want to become a peacemaker like Jesus Christ. I know that if we all strive to become peacemakers like Him, we will be able to endure our trials more successfully and in the end, we will grow into better people and better disciples. I love you all and hope you have a wonderfull week. If you have any questions for me, let me know.

Sister Potter

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