Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Pack Up Week

Because we live in Germany & are moving back to the states, the moving process is 100 times harder than it would be from state to state.  The military pays to have movers move us (thank heavens), but we never know what kind of movers we'll get.  We've had great movers, horrible movers (who we caught dressing up in my homemade Halloween costumes, & everything in between.  The last time we moved from Germany to the states, a lot of our stuff went "missing" after the movers "packed it up."  You just never know what will happen.

Our movers this time were a combination of good & bad.  They were all very very friendly & honest as far as we could tell.  They brought us some jewelry we left under a bed & brought us any loose change they found.  However, they were completely horrible packers.  I'm slightly terrified to see how many things wind up broken when we unpack in July.  We packed out the first few days of May so that we would receive our household goods in mid-July.  That means 2 months in Germany without any of our stuff & 1 month in UT without it.  Here, the base lends you each person in the household a bed, & then they lend you a couch & a dining room table with chairs to help you during your months of NOTHING-ness.  When we get to UT, we'll stay with my parents until our stuff arrives.  We already found a house to rent so we can move in as soon as we arrive, but we already know not to expect our things until mid-late July.

These movers did the move differently than any other movers we've ever had.  Usually they pack up our house into boxes for 2 days, then bring a big truck the 3rd day & load everything into the crates to be shipped.  These guys packed a little, loaded a little, then packed a little, then loaded a little.  It was so bizarre & such a waste of time.  The first day the 3 men loaded 3 crates total & only packed up 2 rooms.  The 2nd day they brought 5 men & 5 crates.   They still went super super slow, but they managed to fill the 5 crates & took our beds with them so we wound up sleeping on the floor for 2 nights instead of 1 (the base couldn't bring the loaner beds until Friday.). The 3rd day they brought 6-7 guys worked for hours (it took one of the guys almost 8 full hours to take apart my boy's bunk beds), 7 finally finished packing up our house.  They loaded the remaining TEN CRATES that day & I can tell you the packing was less than stellar.  They were tossing boxes to each other (fragile boxes) & shoving them into those crates.  It was crazy.  Not to mention we had 3 sick kids throughout the week so we had them all shoved into on room on the hard floor while the movers packed.  It was just a really bizarre pack out this time.

The day before the movers came, we picked up this gorgeous sign we had custom made in Italy for our new house.  In Germany, all the castles, restaurants, & shops have metal signs that hang in front of the building saying what it is.  We've been wanting a "Burg Potter" sing since we lived here way back in 2007.  This was SUPER fun to design & see the final project.  It was a little HUGE (we didn't realize it would be so big), but it's gorgeous.

Now our things are on their way to UT.  We are sleeping on really hard loaner furniture until the end of June, but it's fine.  It's echoey in our house & a little sad, but we're excited for new adventures.


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