Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spaghetti Brains

This is another one of my kids' favorites! And it gets them to eat their veggies!! Double Score!

Just carve your favorite colored pepper (orange are my favorite, but our local supermarket was out) like a jack'o'lantern, & then fill it with your favorite spaghetti recipe. Meatballs make it even "grosser!" Make it look like the pepper's brains are spilling out all over the plate. My kids love making comments & jokes about these. (I love them because it's the only time I can get my kids to eat a WHOLE pepper!)

1 comment:

  1. Creative! I love spaghetti since I was a child. My mom always cooks me, my brothers and my sister whenever it's our birthday or other special occasions that needs celebrating. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Now I can cook for my mom. I'll definitely make this before I get my TABC Certification Online.
