Thursday, July 25, 2024

Canyon's 11th Birthday - Harry Potter

This year was a fun birthday party for Canyon.  #11 always means HARRY POTTER.  He's been waiting for this party for a VERY long time.

He helped me make the "owls" to deliver his invitations to his friends.

Instead of cake (over the years my kids have decided they don't really like cake, so we've been experimenting with other desserts for birthdays), he wanted "Monster Book of Monsters" BROWNIES.
We had fun making those together.

I also made some chocolate frogs, & golden snitches to go along with the theme.

And butterbeer is always a must with Harry Potter.

My friend, Nancy sent me these really cool candles that float (hang from the ceiling) for our "great hall."

And I dressed up as McGonagall for his friends.

As soon as his friends arrived, Canyon sorted them into houses using the sorting hat & sent them outside to play some quidditch.

After quidditch, they all sat down & watched Harry Potter #2 (the movie).  We had chocolate frogs & Bertie Botts beans while we watched, then moved to the great hall for brownies, pizza & butterbeer.

Canyon had fun opening Harry Potter presents from his friends.  They all bought something Harry Potter for him & that made it extra fun.

It was a great party.

Then the NEXT day was his actual birthday so we did a yummy birthday breakfast of scrambled eggs, apples, & bacon, with our traditional ding dong for dessert.

Then we let him open up his presents from Nancy, his grandparents, & from us.

Opa & Oma got him some fun magnetic minecraft/mario building blocks.

Nancy got him a TON of clothes.  He was SO happy.

We celebrated with Mimi & Baba the Sunday before & they gave him a cool marble run puzzle like Bladen's.  He's been having a blast putting it all together.

The siblings got him the new book in his favorite series & Trek & I got him an amazon gift card to buy whatever he wanted most.

For his birthday dinner we mad macaroni & cheese, grapes, & a cucumber/tomato salad. . . his favorites.

Happy birthday Canyonland!  We love you so much.


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