Thursday, July 25, 2024

Last Day of School - 2024

I can't believe the school year is already over.  It seems like we just arrived in UT, how could it have already been one full school year!?!?!?

Trek left for a 2.5 month TDY helping run field training on the last day of school which was kind of a bummer for both me & the kids.  He won't get back until right before school starts again in August so we have to spend the entire summer without him here.  But we decided we were still going to have a great summer, even if dad was gone.

Canyon finished the 5th grade & ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.  Can you believe that?  He starts middle school next year.

Craiger finished up 7th grade & will be an 8th grader next year at the middle school. Canyon & Craiger are excited to be in the same school together.

Taya finished off 10th grade & will be a JUNIOR next year.  That's crazy to me.  Times flies way too fast.

And Bladen finished his freshman year strong & is ready to be a Sophomore next year.

I dropped my high schoolers off at school (they were 2 of 3 kids who showed up on the last day), then walked Canyon to his last day of school.  On my way home I noticed a hot air balloon in the air over the middle school.

Chick-fil-a actually landed their hot air balloon on the middle school soccer field.  It was hilarious.  It was an emergency landing so it wasn't planned at all, but all the kids came running out of the school to watch it.

It was a short day for the last day, so I went to pick Canyon up from school & got to watch the 5th graders do their "Last Day of School Dance" for all the parents.

Then all the kids went to our neighbor's house for a watermelon drop & water slide party in their backyard.  It was a wonderful start to summer vacation.


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