Tuesday, July 23, 2024

MORP - Taya

I'm so proud of Taya.  She asked a friend to MORP in April.  At her high school, MORP (prom backwards) is a dance that the girls ask the boys & the theme this year was "characters."  Each group of kids picked a character to dress up as.  Taya still is getting to know people & didn't know what group to go in, but the boy she asked has friends who let her be in their group. 

Their group chose "High School Musical" as it's theme, so Taya asked him using the High School Musical theme.  It turned out super cute.

What she didn't expect was to be "ANSWERED!"  The whole Utah school dance culture is SO different than anywhere else we've lived.  She asked Ashton, but thought that was the end of it, but a few nights later we got a knock on our front door & saw THIS . . . 

Oh my goodness!  We were DYING.  I don't think Trek or I have laughed that hard in our lives.  What an awesome sport to put that together for Taya. . . . just to say "YES" to the dance.

He also gave her this cute gift basket.  Such an adorable kid.

They went just as friends & had a great time.  Both of them were great sports& had fun with the theme.  I'm glad Taya got brave & asked someone, found a group to go with, & made some new friends.


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