Wednesday, July 24, 2024

May Happenings

May flew by in an instant.  I think May is becoming more hectic that December which is crazy.  Between graduations, end of school concerts/awards/assemblies/performances, Trek's commissioning ceremonies, & more, it just was gone before I knew it.

We did do a lot of fun things in May.

Monthly temple days with the youth are my favorite.  I love that we do them every month.

Canyon became the official weed puller of our yard.  He loves the big ones.

May 4th is always Star Wars Day at our house.  We made some Death Star waffles & light saber grapes while we watched a star wars movie together as a family.

My dad began his health journey in May.  In April they found a little nodule in his left lung so in May they did surgery to take it out.  Unfortunately, when they opened him up, they realized it wasn't just a small nodule. . . stage 4 lung cancer had taken over everything in his body.  Now we are in the process of chemotherapy to extend his life, but it will win in the end no matter what.  Such a tragic turn of events (all starting in May).  More on that later.

Craiger had to get ready for several CAP ID's, camps, etc so we got a cute headshot of him.

And I took my kiddos to the Layton Temple open house.  I love all these new temples being built here in Utah.  It's so fun to be able to take the kids to them.


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