Tuesday, July 23, 2024

RATS - Canyon as the Pied Piper

In January, the elementary school's choir teacher announced they would be doing a school musical in the Spring.  Canyon was very unsure on whether or not he wanted to do that, but I encouraged him to just try it out to see if it was something he enjoyed.

They had to "try out" by singing some of a song & then read some lines for the teacher.  He came home super nervous & told me that he hoped he didn't get any lines because he didn't want any.  He wanted to be a rat.  I told him that no matter what he was, that he'd do great.

A few days later, he came home from school, threw himself on my bed & started to cry . . . 
"What's wrong?"

"I got a part with lines!"

"That's great honey, you're going to be fine.  What part did you get?"

"I'm the pied piper!"

"That sounds fun!  What play is it that you're doing?"

"Rats!  The Story of the Pied Piper!"  (TEARS!)

Poor kid.  He was SO SCARED.  We sat down & within 20 minutes he had every single one of his lines memorized & 30 minutes after that, he could play the pied piper tune on an actual recorder flute.  He was going to be fine!

They rehearsed for 4 months before putting on the performance & it turned out absolutely ADORABLE.

After the play, we got to walk around the school & see some of the art Canyon has done throughout the school year.

We were SO proud of Canyon.  He did an amazing job.  My favorite part of the entire experience was Canyon saying . . . 

"When's the next play?"

And so, here we are in July, at play rehearsals 3-5 days a week.  My little theater kid & we're both loving every minute of it.

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