Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Happy 15th Birthday Bladen - Murder Mystery Escape Room

In April, Bladen had what felt like an entire birthday week.  We did all the things we usually do, but for some reason because of schedules, it literally was drawn out over several days.

First, the Sunday before his birthday, we went to my mom & dad's house to celebrate with my side of the family/aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents.  Bladen's favorite is Cafe Rio bowls so my dad had pre-ordered a bunch of Cafe Rio pork, & we added rice, beans, & all the fixins for a great burrito bowl.  He was very happy.

My parents got him a really cool 3-d wood puzzle marble run.  He's had a blast putting it together piece by piece. 

Then the Friday before his birthday we did his murder mystery 15th birthday party.  For all my girls, this party has been the biggest parties I've ever done.  Cadence had about 35 kids at hers, Lorien had the same, & Taya had 40 for hers.  I asked Bladen who he wanted to invite, & my sweet little introvert asked if it would be okay to only have a few people.  My girls are social butterflies, Bladen, not so much.  He is good with one or two friends & that's all he needs.  So we made his BIG party, Bladen sized & it was perfect.

He chose an "Escape Room" murder mystery party which in my head made sense, until I had to put it all together.  I will NEVER try to put together an escape room ever again.  It is WAY TOO HARD.  But I managed to do it for Bladen & ended up being a ton of fun.

I set up the escape room in the living area next to our dining room.  Everything was enclosed in that room & they couldn't leave it until they found all the clues.  There were hidden locks & keys, hollow books, journals with codes to get in them.  I worked really really hard to make it a good escape room for them.

And as always, he requested my triple chocolate Reese's peanut butter cake.

All the names for this murder mystery were associated with colors (like "Clue").  The guests dressed up in these colors which made it a lot of fun.

Once the guests arrived, we had appetizers & veggies & then started with the murder mystery where the characters got to know each other.  Motive became apparent, & then they all got locked in the escape room.

Once in the escape room, they had one hour to figure out all the clues & GET OUT.

Unfortuately, Ocean Orange didn't make it out of the escape room alive. . . but "WHO DID IT?"

Then we sang happy birthday & did the last round of trying to use clues to figure out who did it as we ate cake & ice cream.

The last round some final guesses were made & the murderer was revealed.

Overall I think the kids enjoyed it.  There were 10 characters total, but 5 were my own kids & 1 was my nephew.  Bladen was happy having his 4 friends there.

The next day was Bladen's actual birthday so we let him open his presents.  He got some fun clothes & shoes from Nancy which is always fun.

Opa & Oma got him some winter boots & his siblings got him something (but I can't remember what it was for the life of me.)

Trek & I got him some money to put towards his computer.  He's currently trying to build a computer from scratch so that was fun for him.

The following morning we had birthday breakfast & he chose muffins, bulleyes, apples, bacon, & a ding dong.  (It was a yummy breakfast).

For his birthday dinner he had lasagne, garlic bread, & mandarin oranges.

It was a great birthday for him.  I'm glad he enjoyed it all.

Happy 15th Birthday Buddy!  We love you.


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