Saturday, June 8, 2019

May Fun

May was a crazy busy month for us, but we had a ton of fun too.  Here's some of our May highlights.

Bladen & Taya both got to play piano for the school talent show.  Actually, there were 2 talent shows & I was only able to attend one.  Poor Taya.  I had already told the school I'd chaperone Craiger's zoo trip the day she had her talent show.  I felt SO bad for missing it.

From what everyone told me, Taya did a spectacular job playing "Beauty & the Beast."

Bladen dressed up as Darth Vader & played "The Imperial March."  The kids loved that.

Trek & I had several "date nights" with the kids in May.  Things had been so hectic with the play Cadence & I were doing that kid date nights had to sit on the back burner for a while.  But we were able to make up for it this month.

Here's some pics of Trek's date with Craiger. . .

And his date with Bladen to the arcade where Bladen won two balls.  

I had a date with Lorien to Subway (that kid & Subway. . . I swear) & Sweet Frog for dessert.

On my date with Taya we went to Steak & Shake for burgers & milkshakes.

The week before Mother's Day, Canyon's Kindergarten class had the mom's come for a tea party at the school.  We had finger sandwiches, lemonade, & chocolate dipped strawberries.  The kids each presented their moms with a picture they painted themselves.  I was surprised at how beautiful the pictures were.  I guess the school had a professional artist come & teach them step by step how to paint roses for their moms.  They were adorable.

Canyon also had his end of the year Kindergarten graduation ceremony.  I can't believe my baby isn't in Kindergarten anymore.  He's such a big boy now.

We hit the teacher jackpot with Ms. Anna this year.  She was the absolute perfect teacher for Canyon. She was patient with his shortcomings, & really really encouraged him to succeed.  Canyon finished Kindergarten able to read at a 2nd grade level, top scores on all his tests, & the most popular kid at the school.  I'm pretty sure he's going to be VERY successful in life.  He grabs life by the reins & flies.

Lorien finished off her 8th grade school year by doing what she loves most. . . theater.  For the junior high school play this year, they chose a play called "Antisocial."  It was HILARIOUS.  Lorien decided she wanted to try her hand behind the scenes this time & she was the stage manager for the play.  She also got to help direct scenes.  It was a great opportunity for her to become even more well rounded in theater.  Trek & I went to one of her performances & were surprised to hear her voice in one of the scenes.  She didn't tell us she had a behind the stage speaking part as a "mom" yelling at her daughter for one of the scenes.  What made it even more surprising is that she did her entire part in a Brooklyn, NY dialect.  I hardly recognized her.  I love that she continues to challenge herself & broaden her experience in theater.  She makes me so proud.

Lorien finished up 8th grade with the highest grades & percentages in her 8th grade class.  She was inducted into the National Honor Society & Beta Club & awarded many many awards for best grades in her classes as well as all A Honor Roll.

Trek & I had many adventures getting ready for our move to Germany.  We had movers come May 8, 9, & 13 to pick up all of our household goods.  It takes 3 months on a boat to get it to Germany so we had to ship it extra early.  For the last month we've been sleeping on air mattresses, with only the bare minimum.  6 kids, end of school, no toys, no nothing . . . .Let's just say it's been a LONG month.

We also had to ship our van to Germany early in the month so it will be waiting for us when we arrive  June 26th.  To ship the van we had to clean it incredibly clean & then had to drive it to Atlanta where it would get onto a cargo ship to head over to Germany.  I drove Trek's little red car while he drove the van.  It was 3 hours each way.  It was a LONG day.  But on our way home we found an old favorite . . . Jersey's Mike's Subs.  We were SO excited.  It tasted SO good.

We also celebrated Mother's Day in the middle of all our movers being here.  We spent the day dodging between towers of boxes & household goods.  Luckily, we still had our table so I was able to enjoy my breakfast of yogurt & granola.  I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be back in Germany where they have my 2 favorite breakfasts of all time:
brotchen & butterkase (bread & cheese)
qvark & musli  (sour yogurt & granola)

For Mother's Day Trek & the kids bought me a Mickey Mouse piece of luggage for our move.  How cute is that?

With the end of the school year, we always have tons of award ceremonies for the kids.  All 6 of my kids finished school this year with straight A's.  ALL SIX.  I was SO proud of them.  Cadence finished her Sophomore year with a weighted GPA of 4.7.  She took SO many honors classes over the last 2 years & got A's in them that her GPA is crazy high right now.  I'm proud of all the kids.  They worked really really hard this year.

Now that school is out & everything is pretty much out of our house, we have a bad case of the summer boredom blues.  All we really have is puzzles, crosstitch projects, & a few card games.  You can only do so much of that.  I don't know how we're going to survive until the end of June.  We will be swimming A LOT over the next 2 weeks.

My friend Nancy did send some amazing Harry Potter crosstitch patterns so at least we've got some art project to work on.  Cadence & Taya are working on Hufflepuff crests & Lo is doing a Slytherin crest.

Also to fight the boredom, we've been taking our church friends to the graveyards here in Prattville to take pictures for the app "Billion Graves."  Billion Graves is a fun way of doing genealogy that even kids can do.  My kids love it.  You take pics of all the gravestones, upload them to the sight, then transcribe the words.  Then all those pictures become searchable for people searching for their ancestors.  It's fantastic.

Plus it's always funner with friends.

It was a crazy busy month, but we had fun all along the way.  We survived & are SO grateful we are finally to June. . . . MOVING MONTH.

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