Thursday, April 11, 2024

Cadence - Best Sunday Ever - 2/20/24

Сайн байцгаана уу?

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful week! I know I sure did! Honestly this week was full of crazy miracles and I am so thankful to be here doing this work. 

First Miracle:
So we had been teaching this cute family that we found 2 weeks ago. However, last week they completely ghosted us and we were so sad. We had faith that they would have that desire again to learn and come unto Jesus. We kept praying for them and just trusting Heavenly Father's timing. We invited them to mutual and they didn't come, asked to meet with them and they said they were busy, and they didn't come to church 2 Sundays ago. Then out of the blue, we had a prompting to reach out again to invite them to church last Sunday. So we shot them a call and they said they'd come if they had time... so we were disappointed again. Then, at sacrament, they showed up! Not only that, but they shared their testimonies about prayer in Sunday school as well! Buyanjargal also testified on the power of meeting with the missionaries and told us she was thankful for us. Then they invited us over to teach them after church. At their house, they apologized for ghosting us and said that they were just going through some difficult things logistically. But after talking, I am no longer worried about their readiness to take bigger steps on coming towards Christ!

Second Miracle:
We were cycling through our Facebook referrals this week and usually, when we have a Facebook referral, it goes something like this:

1. We call them and ask if their interested. They say yes so we set up an appointment with them and a time they confirmed they would be free.
2. The day of the appointment, we call again to confirm the appointment. Everything seems in order.
3. They don't show up and when we call them again, they hang up or ignore the call.
4. We call them a few days later and they pick up.
5. Repeat steps 1-4.

So we were just running through our usual process of calling all of them when a sweet guy named Chingis popped into our Area book. He was so excited to meet us that he actually came to the appointment 30 minutes early - and we weren't at the church because we were doing other work and lowkey thought he wouldn't come. So we zoomed over and just met with him little bit. Then the next day, we taught him the first lesson and all 3 of us wept. It was the coolest experience of my mission because the spirit was so palpable and our joy was so full. He thanked us for sharing our message with him and told us that he wanted to change and stop smoking and drinking. He was drawn to the church because he knew that we could help him separate from those things and bring him closer to God. Since then, we've met with him 4 times and he came to church last Sunday and loved it! Many of our elder's quorum members also became friends with him and supported him at church which was amazing!

Third Miracle:
We had some time to kill on Saturday which doesn't usually happen, so we decided that we would call every single person in our area book and invite them to church. Usually, you're supposed to do that every week, but we also have 50+ referrals in our area and many of them don't answer the phone the first time you call. So we planned it out effectively and managed to call every single person over the course of the whole day. Then we prayed that people would come to sacrament because our sacraments have been pretty scarce lately. And the next day, I shed tears of joy because Heavely Father blessed us for our efforts. The craziest part was aside from our progressing investigators, none of the referrals came and only 1 new member came. But the new member who came was someone we've been trying to contact for 2 transfers now. He went inactive when I got here and it was shocking to see him show up at church! And Heavenly Father somehow prompted soooo many ward members and less active members to come on Sunday. We hit 60 people at church which is 35 more than usual! Sunday school was so full and people were sitting on each others' laps and the room was so hot haha. So many members kept commenting on it too. And collectively between us and the elders, we had 10 investigators come to church! Usually there are 0-4 that come so that was another miracle!

Over the course of this week, I have learned to trust Heavenly Father and His timing more. He blessed us so much this week but in the difficult moments, we didn't understand what plan He had. The only thing we could do was be obedient and try our best to do what He asked us to do. After that, we saw the whole big picture of what His plan truly was. I invite you all to put your faith and trust in Heavenly Father a little bit more this week!

Lastly, I just wanted to share a scripture that stood out to me this week while I was doing "Come Follow Me". In 2 Nephi 4:29, Nephi encourages himself and us to stay firm in our faith. He says:

29 Do not anger again because of mine enemies. Do not slacken my strength because of mine afflictions.

I love these phrases because they remind me to stay strong, despite the opposition that may be around me. We have the choice whether to be strong or weak. That is our choice. I've learned a lot about discipline on the mission and I've learned just how much discipline is involved with being happy and working hard in your life. I know that you can all do it. Don't give up on whatever you are trying to do at the moment. And remember that despite how hard things may be, you always still have time and energy to read your scriptures, say your prayers, come to church, and love one another. These things are simple but essential for gaining strength to do everything else. I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!

Sister Potter

P.s. it hit -41 this week which was colder than Antarctica....


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