Thursday, April 11, 2024

Cadence - Last Transfer - 2/1/24

Сайн байцгаана уу?

How are you all doing this week? The past two weeks were kind of a blur of events but they were awesome! First off, Sister Beghetti's companion came back from America so our trio turned into a duo once again for our last week of the transfer. I loved serving with Sister Curtis and we got a lot done together. We also built up our English class to 30 people consistently which has been awesome! I love all the English teaching we get to do! 

We also got to participate in an awesome Tsagaan sar event. Last year, I was in the countryside so I didn't get to go. But this year I saw the Mongolian wrestling and dancing first hand and it was such a cool cultural experience! They even mixed the tsagaan sar celebrations with family history classes to emphasize the importance of doing family history work here in Mongolia. They also put on a "missionary fashion show" where we paraded around and showed off our deels (Mongolian traditional clothes). It was so fun! On a side note, one of the elder's investigators showed up and actually wrestled in the wrestling tournament which was pretty funny. He also got pretty drunk right beforehand so....he was extra excited to be there haha.

We also worked really hard to reach out to less active members over the past couple of weeks. Last week, Sister Curtis and I went with another sweet member to visit a less active grandma, who ended up feeding us tons of bread, marshmallows, buuz, and lots of cake (it was her grandson's birthday). I think that was the most full I've ever been haha. It was also a funny meeting because our member gerch and our LA member just talked to each other the entire time because they are besties so we kind of just sat there and listened to their stories. It was fun to see how much I could understand because they both talked very slurred and so fast.

Being with Sister Curtis was so fun but unfortunately, President had different plans for her so he sent her away to the countryside. Which meant I got to stay in Jargalant! I was so happy to be able to stay and finish my mission here. So this transfer, I'm training a new Mongolian Sister named Sister Nergui (her name translates to no name) and I am an stl for the last time. I'm thankful to be an stl this transfer because that means I get to do tons of exchanges with new sisters who just came from America. The American district arrived here two days ago and we gained 13 new missionaries. Next transfer, we will get 13 more and then the transfer after that we will get 17 from America. That's a whole new zone!

I haven't done too much with Sister Nergui yet since transfers just happened but we did get to teach our amazing new members Iher-Erdene and Iherbayar. They are literally the cutest and such good members. They love seminary and are preparing for missions (they still have 5 years give or take but they can do it!). We've also been trying to work with our two investigators Enkhbayar and Dari but they've both been pretty busy lately. Please pray that their schedules will clear up soon so that we can meet with them! This transfer, we've made lots of goals to really turn to the Lord and depend on Him to find people. We've been seeking His guidance and praying more and more for help and I really believe the Lord will bless us with lots of opportunities to teach His children this transfer. We will see what happens!

Other fun stuff:
- I got pick-pocketted so now I don't have an MSF (missionary funds) card. But it's okay because nothing else was taken haha
- We had Zone Conference and it was so good
- My trio sang "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go" at Zone Conference
- I had an awesome conversation with our Taxi driver about the church and english classes....turns out his whole extended family are members!
- Our English class keeps growing every day so we are going to split it into a kids and adult class
- Our church building is under maintenance again so they ripped apart all the floors and ceilings in the building. It's okay we still did sacrament there haha

I'd like to end with a scripture Sister Curtis found this week while prepping for our lessons. Alma 38:5 teaches -

5 And now my son, Shiblon, I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

This verse is slowly becoming one of my favorite verses because I love how simply Heavenly Father gives us hope. If we will simply turn to Him and trust Him, He will deliver us. That does not mean He will take our trials away...simply that with Him we will overcome them through His help. Heavenly Father has given me so much strength throughout the mission. I feel His love and help every day. I am thankful for all that my mission has taught me so far and I am excited to finish strong. Have a wonderful week everyone!

Sister Potter


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