Friday, July 10, 2020

Camp Tonofun 2020 - Day 1

I was SO excited to be able to do Camp Tonsofun this year.  It's been 2 years since we've done it due to 2 consecutive moves at the beginning of summer.   Camp Tonofun is our family camp that we do the first week of summer to get the house clean, organized, & ready for summer vacation.  We've done it since Cadence was about 4 years old.  Now all the kids realize that it's a "CLEANING CAMP," but there's also treats, games, crafts, & more so they stick with it & humor me.

For our first day, the big "chore" was making a chore chart that everybody could agree on.  Lately there's been a lot of talk (especially amongst the teenagers) about the chores being fair, effective, & reasonable.  So we sat down for about an hour & discussed what chores needed to be done each day, their difficulty level, & how to balance them effectively between a 7 year old all the way up to a 17 year old.

Each day during the camp, a special treat will "appear" when the kids do one of their assigned chores for the day.  They never know which chore it will be be so it's a great way to make sure ALL chores are done. Day 1's chore was making their bed.  Once all the beds were made, Kinder eggs appeared on their beds with notes that read "You did an EGG-cellent job of making your bed.  I love you!"

This year the kids wanted to incorporate more baking into Camp Tonsofun, so we made a treat every day of the week.  Day one was no-bake cookies.  The girls taught the boys what to do & everyone got some much needed baking experience.

For our camp craft, I got my sewing machine out & we each made our own face masks.  All my kids know how to use a sewing machine which makes me happy & proud.  The masks were a great way to explain some new techniques & sew on the curve a little bit.  They all did a great job.

At night, we always spotlight one of the kids.  I make their favorite dinner or their choice of food for dinner, & we tell them what we love about them.  Day 1 was Canyon's special night.  He wanted Southwestern Pasta Salad with cornbread & broccoli.

And that completes DAY 1.  Exciting right?  I love Camp Tonsofun.

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