Friday, July 10, 2020

Camp Tonsofun 2020 - Day 2

Day 2 of Camp Tonsofun was a big workday.  CLOTHES.  Clothes are always a pain in our house because with 8 people living in a country where closets aren't really a thing, life is HARD.  Wardrobes don't hold much, & we rely a lot on dressers.  We feel very blessed to have actually found a German house with a couple of closets.  They are small, but it's SOMETHING.  Both the boys & Trek & I have small closets.  The girls have to rely on 2 small wardrobes for 3 teenage girl's worth of clothes.

The boys got right to work cleaning out their closets & drawers.  We got rid of anything that no longer fit, or things with stains or holes.  Canyon just grew up into Craiger's size clothes so we got rid of all his old things.  It was perfect because now Bladen can have the top part of the closet to hang his shirts & Canyon/Craiger can hang their shirts on the bottom part since they're the same size now.

We also cleared out their drawers & got them organized & beautiful again.

The girls were a different story.  Teenage girls are the best thing in the world, but at the same time, they're a MESS.  Apparently my 3 girls have been stashing & hiding their shoe supply all over this house without me knowing.  We went around every room & gathered them all together & put them in one big pile.  Yeah.  They have WAY TOO MANY SHOES.  (I have a sweet sweet friend who mails shoes & clothes to us all the time.  She's adopted us as her family & she loves to spoil my girls especially.)  Well, we had almost 80 pairs of shoes (NOT COUNTING MINE).  The girls tried them ALL on.  Some they'd grown out of over the years, some were traded (Taya gave some of her shoes to Cadence & Lorien gave some shoes to Taya. I gave some of my shoes to Lorien).  It's fun to have so many girls all around close to the same size.  For every pair they decided to keep, they had to give away at least one pair.  This became an almost all day event because no girl wants to part with ANY shoes, but we managed & only wound up with about 10 pairs for each girl in the end.

Then, when discussing organizing clothes, the girls ran to the living room & grabbed one of our shelves in there, cleared it, then took the shelf into their bedroom (to hide more shoes. . . the stinkers).

They spent a good 3 hours organizing, cleaning, & getting rid of things they no longer needed.  It was great.

The treat for the day appeared after the kids cleaned up lunch.  (dishes, table, sweep, etc.)  I found these cute little Dinosaur & Trolls candy dispensers at our BX.

For our treat for the day, we made a huge fruit pizza which is one of my favorite desserts.  First we made sugar cookie dough.

Then we rolled it out & baked it, added strawberry cream cheese, & tons of our favorite fruits.

It was beyond delicious.

For our camp craft on day 2, we made Camp Tonsofun shirts.  The kids always LOVE making our camp shirts every year.  I grabbed red t-shirts from the boys' closets (they all had a plain one), took one from my closet & gave it to Lorien, then ordered a red shirt for Taya & Cadence so we'd all match.

They used neon puff pain to design their shirts.  They had so much fun being creative.

For Day 2's dinner we spotlighted Bladen.  His dinner pick was breakfast for dinner.  We made "bullseyes" which are pieces of bread with the center cut out & an egg is cooked in the middle.  He also loves apples & carrots so we added those as well.

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