Wednesday, July 15, 2020

LEGOland Deutschland

After our wonderful breakfast in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, we hopped in the van & drove an hour an a half to LEGOland Deutschland!

We didn't know there was a LEGOland in Germany & were very excited to know how close it was to Rothenburg.  The kids were SO excited.

I was really impressed at how concerned LEGOland was for the safety of their guests.  We had to purchase our tickets online & only a set number of people were allowed in the park at a given time which meant it wasn't very busy AT ALL.

Some rides were closed because there was no way to ensure that there would be no germ spread or distance on them & we were okay with that.  I think there were only 3 or 4 that we saw that weren't running which actually isn't bad at all.  All the other rides had lines with 2 meters of space between each family.  They were very diligent at making guests keep that distance in line.  Everyone had to wear masks in line & on rides & there were hand sanitation stations at the beginning, middle, & as you got on each ride.  You also had to sanitize your hands as soon as you got off each ride.  I was SUPER surprised when I saw the employees sterilizing the rides after each use.  Every single time someone got off a ride, they's spray & wipe down the ride top to bottom.  It took some time which made the lines a little longer, but I was grateful they were taking SO many precautions with COVID.  It made me feel a little safer.

The kids loved it.  They had roller coasters, kid rides, shops, food stands, & more.  They were in heaven.

Our favorite "ride" in the park was the fire relay race.  In teams of 4, you run to a fire truck made out of legos, pump the pump in the centre to make the firetruck go forward on a rail, then put on the brakes when you reach the building.  Once you get to the building, you run out of the firetruck & pump the water through the hose & put out the fire in the building.  Once the fire was out, you jump back in your truck & pump/race your way back to the finish line.  SO FUN.  We had a head start at first, but the boys totally beat us in the end.

The Lego City here was all famous European buildings.  It was beautiful.  People are SO talented to figure out how to build these things with LEGO.  I loved Cochem Castle the most.  It's my favorite in real life too.

The boys had fun learning to SPIN like LEGO Ninjago.

I think the kids' favourite "land" was the Egyptian land.

While the big kids rode the scary roller coaster, I took Craiger & Canyon to ride the knights horses.  They were super cute.

One of the kids' favorite rides of the day was the water ride.  It was very similar to Splash Mountain & the kids loved it.  I was proud of Craiger & Taya for going on it with us.  They were super scared, but ended up having a blast.  I was laughing SO hard because while we were standing in line, we got a glimpse of the drop at the end of the ride & Craiger exclaimed "Whoa!  Look at that ride.  I'd never get on that one!" He didn't realize THAT was the ride we were in line for.  He figured it out pretty fast when I started laughing & he cried a little bit, but put on his brave face & ended up LOVING the ride.

Another fun ride was a cute pedal car ride where you pedal yourselves across the top of legoland.  My kids LOVED this one.  I let Canyon & Taya do all the pedaling for us & they loved it.

There was a cute little hot air balloon ride.  The girls didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the boys did.  They treated it like the teacup ride a Disney & Trek got off ready to puke.  ha ha ha.

It was a really fun day.  I'm glad we decided to go.  The park was open from 10-6 which was absolutely perfect.  We left at 6 & still got home by 9pm.  It was a perfect getaway weekend.

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