Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Bladen's Holiday Band Concert 2022

December was definitely the month of concerts for the Potter family.

Bladen had his very first band concert.  Bladen plays all sorts of percussion instruments.  At this concert his teacher had him on the vibraphone which was my favorite percussion instrument to play in high school.  It was a blast seeing him play the same thing that brought me so much joy in my teenage years.

Never underestimate the importance of "SHOWING UP."
Bladen had shrugged this whole band concert off as "whatever, you can come if you want," but I was determined to come & make a big deal out of how proud I was of him.  The minute he found me in the audience you should have seen his face light up.  He was SO excited to have Trek & I there to watch him which made me even more excited.

The band played several songs & their teacher was SO MUCH FUN.  He was dancing as he led the music & you could tell everyone was having a great time.

My favorite songs of the night were "The Jurassic Park Theme" & "Duck Tales."  All the adults (the 80's kids) were singing to the song which was hilarious.  Man, I'm old.  It was so much fun.

And Bladen did fantastic.  He is really really good.  I'm SO proud of him.


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