Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Cadence - Merry Christmas - December 20

 Hi everyone!

Today will be a shorter email because we've got a lot going on but this week was super awesome! We got to participate in a fun service project this week with our zone. We made food/sanitary supply kits for members and nonmembers in need this Christmas season. Altogether our Church put together about 1,000 kits and handed them out to people. It was amazing and I enjoyed the experience and opportunity!

Later that same day, our member appointments were canceled and we were trying to come up with a way to light the world during companion study when Sister Burgess suggested we ding dong ditch little christmas presents to all of our investigators. So we made gingerbread cookies and cute notes on paper hearts and set out on our adventure to brighten our investigators' days. Our quest took about 5 hours in -15 degree snowing weather and we had the time of our lives! We also ran into two different old ladies in between houses who were carrying their groceries, so we stopped to help. One of them even lived in a ger (little Mongolian hut) so it was fun to be in one for the first time. I wish we were allowed to proselyte, because we would have definitely left them Books of Mormon and shared our message with them. But we got their numbers and invited them to a special Christmas music devotional on Friday, so hopefully that touches their hearts. Our investigators loved the cookies and we had fun visiting all of them and surprising them.

We also went to a little 4 year old's birthday party this week. Her family is so cute and we played Uno with about 15 kids ages 4-15 for an hour. Half way through, everyone started making up their own rules for Uno so it became kind of chaotic. We also ate cake (which is super expensive here) so that was a treat for sure!

Another night, we were trying to track down a member's house for dinner with the Elders in our ward and got so lost. We were wandering for an hour before I finally though to pray. After saying a quick prayer in my heart, we stumbled upon the house within minutes. Prayer is amazing! And the family fed us so many buuz (dumplings) so I count that as a win. They also drove us home since it was so late and we jammed out to Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer.

Other fun stuff:
-We were starving one day because we were so busy so we made ramen in pitchers 5 minutes before our English lesson at the Church
-We had 15 students at English classes this week
-Mongolian KFC is wayyy better than American KFC
-Sister Burgess's hair froze one day
-I am understanding so much more Mongolian and have a good system for learning new words every day

I was reading in 3 Nephi this week to prepare for Christmas. 3 Nephi 18: 16 says

16 And as I have prayed among you even so shall ye pray in my church, among my people who do repent and are baptized in my name. Behold I am the light; I have set an example for you

I testify that Christ is our light and He is the perfect example. By following Him, we can be happy and find guidance. He helps us and He loves us. This Christmas season, I invite you all to study about Christ's life and make a plan to become more like Him. Serve those around you and I promise that you will find joy in your life. I have felt this joy and I know that Christ lives. He is my Savior!

Have a wonderful week and Merry Christmas!

Sister Potter

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